Send emails

Learn how to create engaging newsletters, along with automations to send them at the perfect moment. Try the drag & drop editor’s interactive content blocks, get more personal with a rich-text email, or build custom campaigns with the HTML editor.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction

    • IMPORTANT: Get your account confirmed for email sending

  • 2

    Newsletter editors

    • Newsletter editor overview

    • Finding the newsletter editors

    • Use the drag & drop editor

    • Use the rich-text editor

    • Use the HTML editor

    • Test your learning

  • 3

    Create and send campaigns

    • Introduction to campaigns

    • Create your first campaign

    • Design your first campaign

    • Send your first campaign

    • A/B test different campaign types

    • Create RSS campaigns

    • Auto resend campaigns

    • Track your campaign results

    • Test your learning

  • 4

    Automate email workflows

    • Introduction to automations

    • Build and manage workflows

    • Set up multiple triggers in an automation

    • Understanding automation analytics

    • Understanding automation activity

    • Test your learning

  • 5

    Next steps...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...